skeleton of the back
larger vertebral foramina, shorter spinous proceses that bifur-
cate at the tip, and transverse processes that contain a foramen
transversarium. On an articulated skeleton, identifir the follow-
ing features common to all cervical vertebrae: [G Z84; N 15;
R 135; C Q18]
° Transverse process
° Foramen transversarium
° Spinous pros
On a skeleton, observe the following features of individual
cervical vertebrae:
° Atlas (C1)- does not have a
° Axis (C2) - has the dens, which is the body of C1 that has
become fused to C2 during development.
° Wertebra prominens (C7) - has the most prominent spinous
proc in the cervical region, hence its name
' Tramverse costal facet
' Spinous process
' Articular processes - superior and inferior
' Vertebral notches - superior and inferior
' Costa] fiicets - superior and inferior
The spinous process of a thoracic vertebra is long, slender,
and directed inferiorly over the spinous proc of the vertebra
that is inferior to it. Articulation with ribs is a unique character-
ktic of thoracic vertebrae. The head of a rib articulates with the
bodies of two adjacent vertebrae (Fig. 1.04). The tubercle of a
rib articulates with the transverse costal facet of the thoracic ver-
tebra of the same number (i.e., the tubercle of rib 5 articultes
with the transverse costal facet of vertebra T5). An imerverte-
bral dis]: and the articular processes unite two adjacent verte-
brae. The vertebral notches of two adjacent vertebrae combine
to form an intervertebral foramen. A spinal nerve pases
through the intervertebral foramen.
Cerviml vertebrae differ from thoracic vertebrae in the fol-
lowing ways (F ig. 1.05): cervical vertebrae have smaller bodies,
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