الثلاثاء، 12 مارس 2013

The back

The back region contains the superficial muscles of the back
 (posterior thoracoappendicular muscles), the intermediate
muscles of the back, and the deep muscles of the back. All of
these muscles attach to the vertebral column. The vertebral col-
umn serves the dual purpose of forming the axis of     the body and
providing a protective bony covering for the spinal cord.

Surface  Anatomy

The surface anatomy of this region may be studied on a living
subject or on the cadaver. In the cadaver, fixation may make it
difficult to distinguish  bone from well-preserved  soft  tissues.
Turn the cadaver to the prone position (face down) and palpate
the following structures (Fig. 1.01): [N 145]

The deep muscles of the back act on the vertebral column.
                       Replace  the  superficial  muscles  of  the  back  in  their  correct                                                    There are many deep muscles of the back (Fig. 1.10) and only a
                       anatomical positions. Use the dissected specimen to review the                                                           few will be dissected: splenius  muscle,  semispinalis  capitis
                       proximal attachment, distal attachment, action, innervation, and                                                         muscle, and erector spinae muscle. All of the deep muscles of
                       blood supply of each muscle that you have dissected. Review the                                                          the back are innervated by dorsal primary rami of spinal nerves. 

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